Blog - Page 17 of 18

Why Men Pull Away: 5 Reasons Why & How To Make It Stop!

“Can you tell me why men pull away?” This is one of the most common questions I hear in my coaching sessions. So why do they pull away? In this article, I am going to walk you through different scenarios that can shed light on why this may be happening to you and give you

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How To Have A Healthy Relationship

When I was single for several years of my life, I had a lot of time to make mistakes, discover, and reflect on the decisions I made and why I made them. Some of my past choices lead me to believe that I wanted different things than what I had planned in my mind. Some

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Miami Love Coaching By: Apollonia Ponti

Love coaching is something that I have always been passionate about. I experienced love and dating at an early age and was always drawn to relationships. I always used to wonder why relationships and love caused so many people heartache, why men and women couldn’t find a lifetime partner, and why people were searching for

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Self-Care Tips: 3 Powerful Changes To Make Now!

Self-Care begins with the way we start our days. Take a moment to think about how you start your day. Look back at the last week or two and think about what you did to start your day. Did you wake up, brush your teeth, check your phone, make your coffee, and then turn on

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